
Converted site to SSR instead of CSR

  • Initially, Yellowball was set up with CSR (Client-Side Rendering), but for better SEO, I needed SSR (Server-Side Rendering). SSR allows search engines to properly index the title and meta tags, which wasn't happening with CSR (Client Side Rendering). Beyond SEO, SSR improves page load speeds and allows pages to render without JavaScript. It was a significant conversion, but the results are worth it.
  • Updated analytics parsing logic to exclude plays from dash.yellowball.fm (the preview player on the episode screen), ensuring they aren't counted as downloads.
  • Fixed a redirect loop that was happening when you log out from the dashboard, and the browser tries to send you back to /login.
  • Completed homepage redesign with new messaging and some fun new colors.
  • Fixed various spacing issues with the redesigned footer.